workout trainer android app

Wow today i woke up…my son staring at me in the bed . I was sore from yesterdays workout which was turbo jam so i felt like doing some stretching.Then i remembered a cool little app that i had installed on my device a while ago. I have a samsung galaxy plua 19001. Yeah pretty cool i know! So back to the app.

Its called workout trainer and I had browsed through it a few times before but never actually did any workouts. SO today i took the liberty to browse through their stretch workouts library…as they have many others and pick one. The one I picked was about 20minutes and I loved it. Simple stretch moves and even a jumping jack circuit to really wake you up in the morning. After the simplicity of that first workout i decided to go for more. I concluded with a weight lifting workout with dumb bells and a few ab crunches which i will complete later in the afternoon.

The great thing about this program is also the fact that you can pause it or carry it around with you in your phone. So whenever you are bored or feeling like binging..instead of grabbing a huge burger from your fridge you do some cute workouts to cool off the steam. Best app EVER!! …at least in my book.

About Sicagogirl

Writing is and always has been my passion, the question to you is if i am good at it? Not being good wouldnt actually bother me that much, it is a way of expressing myself and letting my thoughts go wild.

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