30 days of tae bo challenge

I am starting the 30 days if tae bo challenge as of tomorrow. I will do tae bo at leats 5x a week and see the results i get. I am hoping to lose about 2kg a week bringing me to 8kg loss by the end of the month. Also i want to be more conditioned in class seeing as we will start sportday soon.

Wish me luck and feel free to join in.

Choose One

I am the most chaotic person ever. I never stay with one thing and try to do everything at once. I am so creative i drown in my creativity. The question is how to stick to one thing without being sidetracked and learn to master it to perfection.

This are some things i want to learn to do. Every month i will try to focus on one and try to master that.

– Learn to build interiors in 3ds max

– Build my own website

– learn to drive a car

– learn the theory to drive a car

– write a novel

– shop for an interior and put it all together.


– start interior design ideas website

– reply all debt owers

november work goals

oktober 27th : get 100 minutes, get 150 minutes , get 200 minutes

get 50 minutes  = 20 euro


get 100 minutes = 40 euro

get 150 minutes = 60 euro

get 200 minutes = 80 euro


get 250 minutes = 100 euro

get 300 minutes = 120 euro

get 350 minutes = 140 euro

get 400 minutes = 160 euro

get 450 minutes = 180 euro

get 500 minutes = 200 euro

get 550 minutes = 220 euro

get 600 minutes = 240 euro

get 650 minutes = 260 euro

get 700 minutes = 280 euro

get 750 minutes = 300 euro

get 800 minutes = 320 euro

get 850 minutes = 340 euro

get 900 minutes = 360 euro

get 950 minutes = 380 euro

get 1000 minutes = 400 euro

get 1050 minutes = 420 euro

get 1100 minutes = 440 euro

get 1150 minutes = 460 euro

get 1200 minutes = 480 euro

get 1250 minutes = 500 euro

get 1300 minutes = 520 euro

get 1350 minutes = 540 euro

get 1400 minutes = 560 euro

get 1450 minutes = 580 euro

get 1500 minutes = 600 euro

get 1550 minutes = 620 euro

get 1600 minutes = 640 euro

get 1650 minutes = 660 euro

get 1700 minutes = 680 euro

get 1750 minutes = 700 euro

get 1800 minutes = 720 euro

get 1850 minutes = 740 euro

get 1900 minutes = 760 euro

get 1950 minutes = 780 euro

get 2000 minutes = 800 euro

oktober work goals :

oktober 27th : get 100 minutes, get 150 minutes , get 200 minutes

get 50 minutes  = 20 euro

get 100 minutes = 40 euro

get 150 minutes = 60 euro

get 200 minutes = 80 euro

get 250 minutes = 100 euro

get 300 minutes = 120 euro

get 350 minutes = 140 euro

get 400 minutes = 160 euro

get 450 minutes = 180 euro

get 500 minutes = 200 euro

get 550 minutes = 220 euro

get 600 minutes = 240 euro

get 650 minutes = 260 euro

get 700 minutes = 280 euro

get 750 minutes = 300 euro

get 800 minutes = 320 euro

get 850 minutes = 340 euro

get 900 minutes = 360 euro

get 950 minutes = 380 euro

get 1000 minutes = 400 euro

get 1050 minutes = 420 euro

get 1100 minutes = 440 euro

get 1150 minutes = 460 euro

get 1200 minutes = 480 euro

get 1250 minutes = 500 euro

get 1300 minutes = 520 euro

get 1350 minutes = 540 euro

get 1400 minutes = 560 euro

get 1450 minutes = 580 euro

get 1500 minutes = 600 euro

get 1550 minutes = 620 euro

get 1600 minutes = 640 euro

get 1650 minutes = 660 euro

get 1700 minutes = 680 euro

get 1750 minutes = 700 euro

get 1800 minutes = 720 euro

get 1850 minutes = 740 euro

get 1900 minutes = 760 euro

get 1950 minutes = 780 euro

get 2000 minutes = 800 euro

Day 5- wlj (the firm cardio and sculpt)

so today is october 27th. I just finished doing 20mins of the firm Get thin in 30, cardio and sculpt. Damnnnnn I LOVE the firm.

This workout got me sweating like crazy and it was just 20 minutes for all those busy buds out there. ITs not very neighbour friendly though but oh so effective. Sometimes a lil too fast but most of the times u can keep up. I love me some cardio that gets my hearthbeat up and gets me breathing like an antilope being chased by a tiger.

I cant wait for tomorrow. Wonder whats for breakfast!

btw i am thinking of going raw…. but i need to know if i can financially keep up with that. I also got a bill yesterday which i need to pay like in 5 days! wtf?

The road to self discipline according to brian tracy

1. Get a hold of finances e.g get out of debt

2. find out goals for future

3. Get a hold of your health

4. Learn to work hard

5. Create a morning routine

6. Learn to make  a to-do list according to brian tracy

7. Save money according to his 1% plan

8. Follow your work schedule


MY workschedule as a work at home mom is as follows:

thursday : 7-12 am   and   20- 22pm

friday :   7-12 am   and   20- 22pm

saturday : 7-12 am   and   20- 22pm

sunday : 7-12 am   and   20- 22pm


what always holds me back from work is that i feel underdressed so first thing in the morning i dress up and be ready.

workout trainer android app

Wow today i woke up…my son staring at me in the bed . I was sore from yesterdays workout which was turbo jam so i felt like doing some stretching.Then i remembered a cool little app that i had installed on my device a while ago. I have a samsung galaxy plua 19001. Yeah pretty cool i know! So back to the app.

Its called workout trainer and I had browsed through it a few times before but never actually did any workouts. SO today i took the liberty to browse through their stretch workouts library…as they have many others and pick one. The one I picked was about 20minutes and I loved it. Simple stretch moves and even a jumping jack circuit to really wake you up in the morning. After the simplicity of that first workout i decided to go for more. I concluded with a weight lifting workout with dumb bells and a few ab crunches which i will complete later in the afternoon.

The great thing about this program is also the fact that you can pause it or carry it around with you in your phone. So whenever you are bored or feeling like binging..instead of grabbing a huge burger from your fridge you do some cute workouts to cool off the steam. Best app EVER!! …at least in my book.

october 23 recipes


Oatmeal, froze berries, peanuts, cinnamon :

the perfect healthy breakfast….Amaziiing! For some sweetness you can add a teaspoon of jam and mix.


Ontbijtkoek (in dutch), 1 orange, 2 slices of bread with melted cheese :

its a bit much but very filling when u start out dieting. THe idea is not to starve yourself.

Supper :

2 ripe plantens , feta cheese, 1 carrot, 1 yellow paprika ,  1 tomato , 1 full red onion , 1 portion of chicken breast

slice the plantens into blocks and fry with little oil on a low fire until gold brown.  Make the sauce in another pan. Fry the red onions, tomato, carrot, yellow paprika all in one pan. Put the chicken breast in another pan to fry or roast it in the microwave at 220c for 20 minutes. When the plantens are done throw them in the pan together with the sauce and slice the chicken breast and add to the mix. Now fry it for about 5 minutes and turn it into a backing pan and put in the oven or microwave for 10 minutes at  180c. Pour some feta cheese and peanuts on it before putting in the oven for extra flavour. Enjoy!

Turbo Jam and me

Tried reading last night…didnt go so well sadly. My son just wants me glued to him …its a faze i hear. He is just 8 months so he has seperation anxiety right now. Means no me time! Even getting up to work out today was practically a game haha. I had to sneak out of the bed like some married woman haha. He was watching me the whole time. AT least i got me some turbo jam going on. ITss harder than it LOOOKSS. ANd it all goes so fast.
I did the turbo jam cardio mix n1. Amazing workout. Got me sweating but certainly NOT for beginners who get discouraged easily. If u can motivate yourself then it definetly is for you. I am just glad i can stripe up some of the achievements for this month. DIdnt wake up at 5am today as i should and didnt eat all that healthy yesterday. I ate a delicious supper though and a very healthy breakfast made of oatmeal,cinnamon and berries. I will post pics later. What really got me was the candy and the small sack of crisps that i devouered in the evening. Guess my sons teething episode is stressing me out. Well itll pass hopefully. And hopefully by the end of the week i will be 1 kilos down and a habit healthier.

If anybody needs the recipe to anything i will be glad to add.

what if i make reading my new hobby

what if i make reading my new hobby?