30 days of tae bo challenge

I am starting the 30 days if tae bo challenge as of tomorrow. I will do tae bo at leats 5x a week and see the results i get. I am hoping to lose about 2kg a week bringing me to 8kg loss by the end of the month. Also i want to be more conditioned in class seeing as we will start sportday soon.

Wish me luck and feel free to join in.

Turbo Jam and me

Tried reading last night…didnt go so well sadly. My son just wants me glued to him …its a faze i hear. He is just 8 months so he has seperation anxiety right now. Means no me time! Even getting up to work out today was practically a game haha. I had to sneak out of the bed like some married woman haha. He was watching me the whole time. AT least i got me some turbo jam going on. ITss harder than it LOOOKSS. ANd it all goes so fast.
I did the turbo jam cardio mix n1. Amazing workout. Got me sweating but certainly NOT for beginners who get discouraged easily. If u can motivate yourself then it definetly is for you. I am just glad i can stripe up some of the achievements for this month. DIdnt wake up at 5am today as i should and didnt eat all that healthy yesterday. I ate a delicious supper though and a very healthy breakfast made of oatmeal,cinnamon and berries. I will post pics later. What really got me was the candy and the small sack of crisps that i devouered in the evening. Guess my sons teething episode is stressing me out. Well itll pass hopefully. And hopefully by the end of the week i will be 1 kilos down and a habit healthier.

If anybody needs the recipe to anything i will be glad to add.

I am just finished with my zumba workout…

I am just finished with my zumba workout. I feel awesome. I wonder why i dont do this more often. I woke up at 7.30 today and did it for an hour. my son is awake so i gotta go. Try to eat healthy today cuz i have been binging alot. I will post my calorie intake later. Will definetely try to keep it at 2000cals if not lower. Lots of fruits and veggies. maybe a pic of what i ate.
Good luck to everyone else. LEts DO THIS!!1

How to snack

Dont we all just love them?

I got some great tips from u guys about snacking which i would like to share. Lets just hope it works.

* Make sure you have something healthy waiting for you when you get your “snack attack” : this means i have to prepare a healthy snack before hand and keep it ready.

I know i eat a lot so am gonna do it in little portions, of maybe 3 or 4 per day.

Well lets see if that helps. I am so glad you guys give me ideas. I find that sharing this process makes it somehow easier. I feel like am not alone and i am happy to share my progress, and even failures with you.

ITs a lot better than doing it alone. Btw i have to go jogging today. Lets see if my procrastination is gonna kick in again.

Inspirational rant

Inspiration is sometimes hard to find on journeys like this because sometimes they can instead work backwards. Sometimes things that are supposed to motivate you turn into things that bring you down. I mean think about it.

How many times have you seen people who have lost weight on the internet or so. HOw many times have YOU tried to lose weight too. How many times have you succeeded? In my case i can say i have tried and tried , and i keep trying until one day i shall hopefully succeed.

BUt when seeing other people succeeding while you are not. It is sometimes demotivating because it makes you wonder what they are doing that you are not. ITs not like they are better than you or so. It is probably even hard to pin point why it actually did work out for them. But the mean thing to stick to is less determination and less procrastination.

One more thing about inspiration that struck me today was the fact that i had a little quarrel with my boyfriend and after we made up, he said something where he was referring to me as his future wife. It struck me so hard that he could even be considering me as marriage material that i realised how bad my selfesteem was. Why could i not be marriage material? If he loves me so much to think of spending the rest of his life with me, inspite my “chubiness” and mood swings, then i have to do this for myself and for him.

Dont get me wrong, i started this challenge all on my own. Because its my life, and my health and if i dont do something about it now, no one will do it for me.HE doesnt even know that i want to lose weight and i dont think i would feel cormfortable telling him either. BEcause it will kinda put me in a weak position, as if i am not happy with myself.

But losing weight doesnt necessarily mean you dont like yourself, it just means you want to get healthier and make the most of life and you. Its a journey to discovering yourself and everyone around you too. Its not just about losing pieces of flab here and there.  ITs about discovering those who truely love you for who you are, and are willing to stand by you no matter what. Its about discovering your strengths and weaknesses.

Well at least i am two days gone, and both days i have done at least 30 minutes of excersize as my goal requires.

Have you also noticed that when your trying to lose weight, everything just looks so yummy. That you want to eat everything. I had a horrible fallback yesterday , yes i know it was just day 1 , but i bought a pack of m&m. I am kinda addicted to those things. And i ate the whole packet in one day! Now in the past i wouldnt have bothered myself about this. But on my foodcalculator, it said that what i just ate had 888 calories, and a lot of unhealthy and unwanted fat.

Damn you m&m for being so delicious and unhealthy for me. I need to find some healthy snacks and quick.

Any Ideas?

My mom is pulling me down

After analysing what keeps getting me off track on my weight loss journeys i realize its my mom. SInce i was a kid i have been overweight but living with her know isnt making things better. SHe is overweight too but doesnt want to lose the weight cuz it is accepted in the african community and because she feels confident of herself. But day after day i see her go to the doctor for one illness of the other. Even overcoming cancer just recently.

I want her to join me and we have tried couples of times but it never seems to pull through. Either because one of us quits and is too weak , or for some other unknown reason.

At the moment i am seriously struggling not to eat bad, but she keeps buying unhealthy sugary snacks which i used to love, and trust me as a 18-year old its not that easy resisting those stuff.

I am kinda stuck with my mom at the moment so i cant escape or anything. Ill just have to learn to resist all the horribly delicious stuff she buys. I just wish she had a little more pity on me though. but sometimes it even seems as if she doesnt want me to lose weight. When i was doing my excersizez the other day she constantly kept coming in and making one comment or the other.

Its gonna be real though, but she cant bring me down no more.

Weekly goal (first week)

So i plan to set a weekly goal to keep things organized and more realistic for me to achieve:

I am starting at a weight of 233 pounds/ 106 kilos

By the end of this week i want to lose 2 pounds / 1 kilos because i know thats the healthier way to do it.

What i have set for myself this week.

1. Find a healthy snack

2. cook at least 3 healthy recipes

3.keep the journal or blog at least 4x a week

4. stick to the schedule for at least 4x a week.

5. keep track of what you eat this week

Sschedule :

monday : jumping rope for 30 mins

tuesday : dancing for 30 mins

wednesday : go jogging

thursday : resting day ( am going clothing shopping so thats still a form of excersize haha)

friday: jumping rope

saturday : resting day

sunday : go swimming

Day 1

Today monday, am still freshly excited my weightloss project and still contemplating in what ways i want to start changing my life.

I have been at this before and i guess the only real way to succeed is to :

* Have patience

* Set concrete and achievable goals

* make it fun and not something you have to do

* learn to change the way you think and learn to be yourself and not just try to please others

* learn to cook and eat properly

* excersize regularly

I guess if i stick to this , i’ll be a skinny in no time haha.

I would like to see myself doing this though.

Anyways today i found some cooking books with low fat recipes and i think i’ll start trying out some new recipes.

If you cant stop the food from entering the mouth, then change the types of food that enters the mouth.