october 23 recipes


Oatmeal, froze berries, peanuts, cinnamon :

the perfect healthy breakfast….Amaziiing! For some sweetness you can add a teaspoon of jam and mix.


Ontbijtkoek (in dutch), 1 orange, 2 slices of bread with melted cheese :

its a bit much but very filling when u start out dieting. THe idea is not to starve yourself.

Supper :

2 ripe plantens , feta cheese, 1 carrot, 1 yellow paprika ,  1 tomato , 1 full red onion , 1 portion of chicken breast

slice the plantens into blocks and fry with little oil on a low fire until gold brown.  Make the sauce in another pan. Fry the red onions, tomato, carrot, yellow paprika all in one pan. Put the chicken breast in another pan to fry or roast it in the microwave at 220c for 20 minutes. When the plantens are done throw them in the pan together with the sauce and slice the chicken breast and add to the mix. Now fry it for about 5 minutes and turn it into a backing pan and put in the oven or microwave for 10 minutes at  180c. Pour some feta cheese and peanuts on it before putting in the oven for extra flavour. Enjoy!